Time for A Big Debt Deal With China The Huffington Post, December 17, 2009
In an age of relative American decline, private placement of U.S. Treasury debt with the world's leading Communist power is an embarrassment whose time has come. Read...
The GOP's New Health-Care Hoax The Daily Beast, December 12, 2009
Shame on John McCain-and every other Republican who says the Senate health deal would foist single-payer on the country. Read...
Congress can deal with jobs and deficit together The Financial Times, December 11, 2009
Call it "the 3 per cent solution". Read...
Liberals, Rejoice! The Daily Beast, December 9, 2009
The Senate deal that's killed the public option isn't cause for tears. Why the left's dream of universal coverage is finally within reachand what the Democrats need to do next. Read...
The Runaway Senate The Daily Beast, November 20, 2009
When Democrats can't even agree to debate the health care bill, the president is no longer in charge of his party. Why Obama needs to crack the whip. Read...
Does Obamacare Hurt The Young? The Daily Beast, November 17, 2009
It's the latest GOP attack: Obama's plan will force the young and healthy to subsidize the old and sick. But, big corporations are already doing just that. Read...
The Democrats' Midterm Nightmare The Daily Beast, November 7, 2009
As House leaders push to pass health-care reform, a major political headache looms: The bill's impact won't be felt until long after already anxious voters go to the polls in 2010. Read...
Why The "Trigger" Will Work The Daily Beast, October 25, 2009
Health care's public-option "trigger" is great news for liberals and conservatives alike, because it gives both groups exactly what they want. Read...
A Real Employee Free Choice Act The Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2009
Big business is fighting the most important health-care reform. Read...
Scaring Grandma: The Right's Shameless Gambit The Daily Beast, September 28, 2009
Once the party of fiscal sanity, the Republicans are now wailing that the Democrats' health-care plan cheats seniors out of money. Read...
Why Liberals Should Drop The Public Option The Washington Post, September 8, 2009
Why we can have progressive reform even if there is no public option... Read...
Lessons For Obama From Ted Kennedy's Noble Flops The Financial Times, September 7, 2009
What the president can learn from Kennedy's failure to make the traditional liberal sale. Read...
Kerry Can Save Obamacare The Daily Beast, August 14, 2009
Obama's plan isn't winning over the 85 percent of Americans who already have insurance, The Daily Beast's Matt Miller writes. But the big loser of the 2004 campaign has a great idea. Read...
Take A Chill Pill The Daily Beast, August 8, 2009
No matter what the critics say, health-care reform isn't in trouble yet. Matt Miller says the bill should get through Congress and offers a prescription for making it easier to swallow. Read...
America's Health Care Should No Longer
Be Tied To Jobs The Financial Times, July 31, 2009
Keeping employers at the center of the welfare state imperils health reform. Read...
To Save Health Reform, Cut Congress' Benefits New York Times, July 22, 2009
A surprising way to make universal health care
affordable. Read...
Right is wrong to attack Obama's health plan Financial Times, July 13, 2009
Why Republicans are wrong to attack Obama's plan...
Especially when he's really on the verge of enacting Romney-McCain reforms.
Why Prevention Won't Cure Health Care Fortune, July 9, 2009
Washington says prevention is one of the keys to paying for universal coverage. It's not. Read...
Time For A Male Anti-Sex Pill The Daily Beast, June 25, 2009
In the wake of the Sanford scandal, the only hope for American public life not becoming an endlessly embarrassing comic opera now lies with Big Pharma. The nation needs a new Manhattan Projectand this one should have bipartisan support. Read...
The GOP's Deficit Bluff The Daily Beast, June 19, 2009
If Republicans keep criticizing Obama for running up deficits, Clinton budget office veteran Matt Miller says, he should tell them to put their money where their mouth is: Pass a law. Read...
Will Business Kill Health Care? The Daily Beast, June 16, 2009
As Obama kicks off his summer drive for health reform, Matt Miller, who was in the White House during Hillarycare, on why corporate America wants to stay at the heart of the welfare state. Read...
Obama's Health Care Kickoff The Daily Beast, May 12, 2009
Even if yesterday's vague pledge by health-care industry executives to slash costs is realized, our system would remain radically inefficient. Read...
Time To Scrap Employer-Based Health Care Public radio's "Marketplace", May 11, 2009
The idea that we should look to our company, not our country, for health care, makes no sense. Read...
Obama's Bipartisan Triumphs The Daily Beast, April 28, 2009
Contrary to conventional wisdom, says former Clinton budget advisor Matt Miller, Obama has reached across the aisle in his first 100 days. He's advancing GOP health, energy, and education goalsso why aren't the Republicans supporting them? Read...
Wanted: CEOs Against CEO Greed The Financial Times, April 21, 2009
Wall Street's reputation is rightly in ruins, but if non-financial business leaders don't take unconventional action, business will suffer more broadly. Read...
Obama's Secret Plan to Raise Taxes The Daily Beast, April 8, 2009
When Obama returns home, former Clinton adviser Matt Miller says he'll face a mounting budget crisis--and will have to come clean about needing to raise our taxes. Read...
The Fed Calls the Shots The Daily Beast, March 22, 2009
For all the arrows aimed at Tim Geithner right now, it's really Ben Bernanke's arsenal of tricks that can manipulate the economyand his surprise move the other day was just a warm-up. Read...
Give The Bonuses BackOr Else The Daily Beast, March 17, 2009
President Obama has promised to use "every single legal avenue" to retrieve the bonuses AIG paid to its executives. Why doesn't he just demand their return? Read...
Relax, Rich People! The Daily Beast, March 12, 2009
No matter what the GOP says, Obama's new taxes are hardly radical. In fact, he's giving you a better deal on your mortgage than the middle class. Read...
How to Shake Down the Banks The Daily Beast, March 6, 2009
From prison, Bill Lerach, America's premier class-action lawyer, has a roadmap to get all that bonus money back from the Wall Streeters who got us into this mess. Read...
Four Bombshells Obama Just Dropped The Daily Beast, February 27, 2009
Ignore the misinformed analysis of President Obama's new budget and focus on these four hope-infused talking points. Read...
Here Comes Obamanomics The Daily Beast, February 26, 2009
The revolutionmetaphorical and fiscalhidden in Obama's new budget. Read...
Obama Wants to Move the Center Left The Wall Street Journal, February 24, 2009
The president's liberal critics miss the bigger picture. Read...
You Don't Deserve to Be Rich The Daily Beast, February 22, 2009
The sooner we shed our illusion that people end up financially where they deserve to, the faster we'll fix the economy. Read...
It's 1928 Again: Prepare To Change Your Thinking Politico, February 11, 2009
Between 1928 and 1940 the way we viewed eveything changed. In the next few years it will again. Read...
Take It From McCain's Advisers: The GOP Would Raise Taxes Wall Street Journal, January 12, 2009
A political party shouldn't rely on a dead idea Read...